This online request was made by a young veterinary doctor (22 years of age) who has been suffering from Cystic acne for about seven years. He is currently taking some homoeopathic acne formula Acne Aid of Bakson company and noticed that this is helping, but there is severe headache, lethargy, and weakness when the medicine is taken. It is very strange from homoeopathic point of view and when such events occur one should stop taking medication. It is golden rule that homeopathy works from inner side first than outer side i.e., patient first feel comfortable internally. He may say that even acne are worse, but it is not bothering me not so much as earlier.
He is mostly affected by acne on cheeks and they are red in color with blackheads, itching, painful, and are severe cystic acne.
These questions are needed to be answered.
Do the acne are painful with touching them or are painful upon touching only.
Do the itching is worse any particular time and what are the effect of cold or hot environment on itching.
Do your cystic acne suppurates easily or not
Describes about your anxiety. For what about you have anxiety if any
Do you like company?
Your overall general mood in which you usually stays.